Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Parent Abuse

Read these real life stories... Much more painful painful than the reel life ones!

A 70 years old lady needs to earn her living. She travels around 5 hrs to and fro in those local trains, goes to all her customers residences and delivers those few varieties of gujarati snacks.
My mother met her at a relative's place who happens to be her customer. We were astonished to find her working so hard for real meagre profits.
Her's is a pityful story. Her husband left her and vanished away, when their son was a toddler. She raised the kid single handedly by selling these snacks. Now, the grown up boy is happily married and lives separately with his own family. The name-sake son is not even bothered 1-pence for her own mother.

Why is everyone so blind-folded from humanity?

Another typical story, isn't it? But, be it any corner of the world, we see people being blunt and crisp to their own parents. We see them being ashamed to take their responsibilities as guardians for their now old, retired parents.

Why? Is this a warning on the loss of our integrity? Sad it is!!!

1 comment:

Ankur Mitra said...

Those children are not ashamed of their parents; rather ashamed of their own existence. The despise the fact that they live, may be. I hope that their own children don't behave with them the same way they behaved with their own parents.