Monday, May 4, 2009

Friendship Ties

This world is so full of varied characters. Friendship is what exposes those true characters to us. Our true character to the world.

Many times, we are actually pulling up the namesake friendship ties, only coz we dont want to mess our relations, leave the sour taste. It could even be a good friend who keeps stamping your feet, crossing the required distance you'd want to maintain. Nevertheless, we falter when it comes to say "NO". All we end up in is, being taken for granted. That supposed-friend also has nothing to gain, though their temporary needs are catered, Life would question them soon on their morality.

All in all, the gravity of the relation is lost, and it taxes heavily on our personal self and other relations as well.

Heard of the saying, 1 bad apple turns the entire basket bad. In today's world we find ourselves in basket of bad apples, and expect ourself to still remain good. Many times, its kind-of ugly duckling. You are meant to be a swan, and its only your loss if you end up sticking with the ducks. Its high time, we decide to move on, keep finding for the right basket, the right flock that suits us.

The beauty of the right flock of friends is known to people who have the friend circle they enjoy. Any titbit argument or worst of quarrels, would not leave any stain on their friendship. They dont need to stretch up, they dont need to strain themselves. They know come what may, grimest of days, will be alright soon.

Ride the wave of change, and find those friends who would really add a new meaning to your life, help you create wonderful memories, which will cherish in you heart always :)

Save a minute for all the friends who entered thoughts right now. Let them know, you treasure them. Never let them go.


Ankur Mitra said...

Somebody whom i have known as a great judge of character, once told me that true friends are those who will agree to disagree. This being one of the parameters of friendship, he continued, one always finds minds' which are strong enough to tell you when you are wrong, yet support you when required, for they cared to tell you that you were wrong. I know this in itself is very tough to implement, but once mastered, is bound to reap true friendship. Personally, i have very few such friends, but i treasure them more than anyone (although we rarely have a happy arguments :-D).

Pooja said...

I really liked this article toral. It is totally true :). By the way..this blog rocks!!