Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mountain's dream

Tired lil' Sara wants to flee from her village. She wants to explore a new world. Her remote village is situated on a small river bank, the other side of which is a big mountain. Every time she feels frustrated, she looks at the mountain with awe. Her instincts say, there is something in there waiting for her. Something imp which would help her achieve in life.

Waiting to get a chance to trip the mountain, she struggles to find a medium. Day to dusk, she tries every possible way, not leaving any stone unturned. Some people say she's too small and some say she misses the tact, but she knows she'd reach that mountain top one day.

Pondering over, she realizes that no one from the mountain would give her that opportunity. She would have to stand up and walk the hurdles; the mountain would definitely show her the way up. Looking at the people who go to the mountains, she finds a variety of them... a wood cutter, a botanist, a hunter, a fruit picker, a monk, a trekker!!
She knows bits of these works but is not sure which work would be a medium, and which one would be purpose.

Another glum day, Sara's gazing at the mountain and she sees a dream. A day has come, she is given the option to visit the mountain. There she spots herself running in through the bushes starred with colourful flowers. Her feet are moist with the dew below, arms open and eyes lay on the open sky. Within moments, clouds step down to greet her, bringing scented breeze, and Sara sights calmness and satisfaction. The stream water seems eternal, the birds chirping melodious tunes! She has made for herself a tree-house and she feels the freedom, the peace, and the divine aura of seeking oneself.

Sitting on the tree branch, she thinks about the day she would leave the mountains and go back to her village. There would be fond memories yes... but where is the learning she wonders. Its independence I seek, so how do I yearn this independence while I'm back in my village. This makes her think what does independence mean... the answer she gets is freedom of thought, ability to sustain self to face the fury, to dare n swim against the current.

The more she thinks, the more helpless she feels b'coz though on the mountain, she still doesn't know how to find that independence. Bang goes the dream and she's back to reality. Sitting right in her village amidst the mud rumble, she is gazing at the mountain. The fulfillment comes back to her. She now knows how to seek that independence. Practically she realizes, she has to be prepared for those stormy nights and lightning on the mountains too. Thinking aloud, she says. "Let me learn and explore some more in the village, thus making better use of the times when I would be on the mountain. Let me work with fresh vigour and make the mountain's dream a reality!"

And, she turns back to the village in her quest more opportunities :)

- (C) Toral Vira
(2nd Dec, 2008)

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