Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reminisces of Our First Footprints

11 Oct., 2006: A new atmosphere, we were suddenly independent. A whole bunch of us were taking the first steps in our career. First day of our job, first day of training period. All the apprehensions melted by the time we finished our training. It was 2 months, and we felt like 1 close knit family. During these 2 months, we had lots of fun, frolic and adventures!! :)

Dear batchmates, lets get together and remember some of those…

Lets see who remembers the maximum n who remembers the most imp. ones :) :)

Enjoy this trip down the memory lane!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mountain's dream

Tired lil' Sara wants to flee from her village. She wants to explore a new world. Her remote village is situated on a small river bank, the other side of which is a big mountain. Every time she feels frustrated, she looks at the mountain with awe. Her instincts say, there is something in there waiting for her. Something imp which would help her achieve in life.

Waiting to get a chance to trip the mountain, she struggles to find a medium. Day to dusk, she tries every possible way, not leaving any stone unturned. Some people say she's too small and some say she misses the tact, but she knows she'd reach that mountain top one day.

Pondering over, she realizes that no one from the mountain would give her that opportunity. She would have to stand up and walk the hurdles; the mountain would definitely show her the way up. Looking at the people who go to the mountains, she finds a variety of them... a wood cutter, a botanist, a hunter, a fruit picker, a monk, a trekker!!
She knows bits of these works but is not sure which work would be a medium, and which one would be purpose.

Another glum day, Sara's gazing at the mountain and she sees a dream. A day has come, she is given the option to visit the mountain. There she spots herself running in through the bushes starred with colourful flowers. Her feet are moist with the dew below, arms open and eyes lay on the open sky. Within moments, clouds step down to greet her, bringing scented breeze, and Sara sights calmness and satisfaction. The stream water seems eternal, the birds chirping melodious tunes! She has made for herself a tree-house and she feels the freedom, the peace, and the divine aura of seeking oneself.

Sitting on the tree branch, she thinks about the day she would leave the mountains and go back to her village. There would be fond memories yes... but where is the learning she wonders. Its independence I seek, so how do I yearn this independence while I'm back in my village. This makes her think what does independence mean... the answer she gets is freedom of thought, ability to sustain self to face the fury, to dare n swim against the current.

The more she thinks, the more helpless she feels b'coz though on the mountain, she still doesn't know how to find that independence. Bang goes the dream and she's back to reality. Sitting right in her village amidst the mud rumble, she is gazing at the mountain. The fulfillment comes back to her. She now knows how to seek that independence. Practically she realizes, she has to be prepared for those stormy nights and lightning on the mountains too. Thinking aloud, she says. "Let me learn and explore some more in the village, thus making better use of the times when I would be on the mountain. Let me work with fresh vigour and make the mountain's dream a reality!"

And, she turns back to the village in her quest more opportunities :)

- (C) Toral Vira
(2nd Dec, 2008)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Parent Abuse

Read these real life stories... Much more painful painful than the reel life ones!

A 70 years old lady needs to earn her living. She travels around 5 hrs to and fro in those local trains, goes to all her customers residences and delivers those few varieties of gujarati snacks.
My mother met her at a relative's place who happens to be her customer. We were astonished to find her working so hard for real meagre profits.
Her's is a pityful story. Her husband left her and vanished away, when their son was a toddler. She raised the kid single handedly by selling these snacks. Now, the grown up boy is happily married and lives separately with his own family. The name-sake son is not even bothered 1-pence for her own mother.

Why is everyone so blind-folded from humanity?

Another typical story, isn't it? But, be it any corner of the world, we see people being blunt and crisp to their own parents. We see them being ashamed to take their responsibilities as guardians for their now old, retired parents.

Why? Is this a warning on the loss of our integrity? Sad it is!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Friendship Ties

This world is so full of varied characters. Friendship is what exposes those true characters to us. Our true character to the world.

Many times, we are actually pulling up the namesake friendship ties, only coz we dont want to mess our relations, leave the sour taste. It could even be a good friend who keeps stamping your feet, crossing the required distance you'd want to maintain. Nevertheless, we falter when it comes to say "NO". All we end up in is, being taken for granted. That supposed-friend also has nothing to gain, though their temporary needs are catered, Life would question them soon on their morality.

All in all, the gravity of the relation is lost, and it taxes heavily on our personal self and other relations as well.

Heard of the saying, 1 bad apple turns the entire basket bad. In today's world we find ourselves in basket of bad apples, and expect ourself to still remain good. Many times, its kind-of ugly duckling. You are meant to be a swan, and its only your loss if you end up sticking with the ducks. Its high time, we decide to move on, keep finding for the right basket, the right flock that suits us.

The beauty of the right flock of friends is known to people who have the friend circle they enjoy. Any titbit argument or worst of quarrels, would not leave any stain on their friendship. They dont need to stretch up, they dont need to strain themselves. They know come what may, grimest of days, will be alright soon.

Ride the wave of change, and find those friends who would really add a new meaning to your life, help you create wonderful memories, which will cherish in you heart always :)

Save a minute for all the friends who entered thoughts right now. Let them know, you treasure them. Never let them go.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Feel GOOD" Memories...

Yesterday, I was late to leave from work. Not wanting to miss my fast train, I and a friend walking with quite some speed.
Subconsciously, I started finding triangles in the traffic and turnings on the road & slopes. I would picture the triangle, and walk on the hypotenuse! When my friend didnt follow my path, I said it aloud, "Dont you know the 'Pythagoras theorm'. Its best to apply it here. We walk less this ways". With that I started grinning, glimpsed proud faces of all my MATH teachers, right there :)

Well the story doesn't end here!

We reached the station and found a train on the platform. Hardly 1 min difference, but I couldnt reach the platform in time. Once, last week, similar situation, and lost in my thoughts, I ended up catching a train for the wrong destination. Never realised till I "felt" train was heading in the wrong direction. Phew! it had cost me another 30 mins! :)
Anyways, so yesterday I luckily saw another fast train due in 2 mins. I dashed to the regular platform, only to find that train on another. Grumpy in my mood, I was looking absently at the slow train coming on my platform. Tried to cheer myself, that there must be a spl reason to why I missed it. And there stood my spl reason :))
An old lady, all white hair, 1 tooth missing and big frown lines was standing at the compartment door. She saw me, and her face lit up with a cute "Thank-heavens" half-smile! The door step was at some reasonable height, and she wanted me to lend her a hand of support.
Her firm grip, lovely smile, just made up my mood. Though she would have sought help from someone or the other, the fact that it was me, brightened my heart.

These tiny things are what I call my "Feel GOOD" memories... subtle actions with big ear-to-ear grins :)))

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Day Full of Smiles...

Its one of my favourite gifts
those contended faces, twinkling eyes...
.. big big grins or tiny half-smiles

The day would always remain hectic
To remove those frown definitely is the best antiseptic!

Think about those monotonous days
All work... only work...serious - sarcastic puns...
it seemed dreadful to even mention fun!

Glum faces, tired eyes..
Drooping shoulders, suffocating ties...
Agreed the walk lasted miles, but doesnt mean its a ban on smiles!

Few laughter gags or giggling spurts..
Girls and guys, loosen you belts for the "say cheese" bursts!

Mellow down a lil in your formal attire
Greet everyone with a wishful smile..not satire!

Fill ur days full of smiles :))))
happy or it away..take it in your stride..
Live this unique life, the smiling stylE!

[Copyrights (c) 2009 by Toral Vira.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval or transmitted or circulated, in any form or by any means without prior written permission of author.]

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Semicolons ";" I face :)

These days the frequency of semicolons in my life keeps high! Today, I sat down to analyse.. what is it after all...

Sometimes, rather most of the times, we lose out on what we bank on the most!So many times, we excuse ourselves as adults! The kids get scoldings, punishments while the adults are excused. Practically its the adults who make bigger mistakes, who rather not learn from their mistakes, who risk more than necessary to repeat the cause of the mistake.

Why is it that we do not follow that strict regime that we were advised to, as kids! Why most of our time is spent in just temporary stitch ups, and we miss to take those wisest decisions in time!
Finally, we realise we are in a big time soup and its rather difficult a task to gather ourselves together and start afresh.

The good thing is, we know we have done it as kids, and would be able to do it time and again.
Its that sturdy faith that adulthood bestows on us :)

For those of you, who think this isn't your life that I'm speaking about.. do pat your back and keep checking yourself that you never fall into this puddle.For the rest of us, yes.. we know its a puddle! Why is it that we aren't ready to admit it.. lets just take our first step out of the puddle.. and Faith will do the rest. Amen! :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

It was a new atmosphere, a new workplace I entered. The people were good, so was the building. But, the best source of inspiration, were the eagles flying around.
The sight was fascinating. Around a dozen eagles, flying independently, not wondering about another's line of flight. Pondering over their circular rounds, or racing up in the air, I could relate me, an "urban human" to it. Lost as we are, in our own routine, just like the eagles. Enjoying our freedom proudly, binging in our expensive habits, despite the hustle and bustle of the city.

Weeks passed. I never missed a single day to spot the eagles. Slowly and steadily I saw them flying away from my building. The numbers reduced to a couple. And, these days I see none.

Yes, the eagles migrated. Though, loners, they migrated together. This struck a deep thought within. When eagles migrate together, why is it that we urban humans never think a penny of our near and dear ones? Doesn't our migration, into new careers, newer relations, newer lands leave someone stranded in this desert of people!

Circumstances may lead to taking the difficult choice of juggling alone, but folks do we utilize the chance we get, to foster our long lost friends!! The eagles taught me, “Freedom tastes better with the peace of mind that no one is stranded.”
Many a times, trotting by the day, be it home, school, workplace or travel times...
...we miss to see humanity around!

This blog, "Everyday Stories", is an attempt to spice up our daily lives with a couple of such humanity condiments.

Lets together relive the words, "Life is beautiful!! :)"