Friday, January 11, 2013

Half Marathon training begins

Week 1, Day 1

I did it!! :-) Ran/walked for 2 miles.
My learning curve:
1. Warm up was missing. I was so anxious to get started before I change my mind that I skipped warm up. I felt the difference in running my last half mile. My legs were giving away and sprints became interspersed with longer walks.
2. My breathing felt shallow though the good part was I breathed from my nose and not my mouth. Sometimes I would gasp and want to open my mouth to get more air. Instead, I formed a natural rhythm of a deep inhale and 2 exhale from my nose.
3. My footwear. Although I am comfortable in my shoes, I will have to get it checked once because they may not be running shoes.

My celebration:
I completed my day 1 run! Nature blessed me with the best running weather (50 f and 11 Celsius) possible in between January, one of the coldest winter months. Awesome... Awesome... Awesome :-) I felt so proud of myself. It was celebration time! After some relaxation, I looked forward to my delightful Indian lunch - "shaak, rotli, kachumbar" (Indian stir-fry veggies with an Indian bread and salad) and for my last bites "god rotli" :-) Was a trip back to childhood memories, and even pictured my nieces and nephew. After kids eat the complete meal, mummy gives jaggery to celebrate! How I wished mummy was here in Cleveland.

Anyways, let's see how I run tomorrow... 2.5 miles with warm up. Wish me luck!

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