Saturday, February 28, 2009

Semicolons ";" I face :)

These days the frequency of semicolons in my life keeps high! Today, I sat down to analyse.. what is it after all...

Sometimes, rather most of the times, we lose out on what we bank on the most!So many times, we excuse ourselves as adults! The kids get scoldings, punishments while the adults are excused. Practically its the adults who make bigger mistakes, who rather not learn from their mistakes, who risk more than necessary to repeat the cause of the mistake.

Why is it that we do not follow that strict regime that we were advised to, as kids! Why most of our time is spent in just temporary stitch ups, and we miss to take those wisest decisions in time!
Finally, we realise we are in a big time soup and its rather difficult a task to gather ourselves together and start afresh.

The good thing is, we know we have done it as kids, and would be able to do it time and again.
Its that sturdy faith that adulthood bestows on us :)

For those of you, who think this isn't your life that I'm speaking about.. do pat your back and keep checking yourself that you never fall into this puddle.For the rest of us, yes.. we know its a puddle! Why is it that we aren't ready to admit it.. lets just take our first step out of the puddle.. and Faith will do the rest. Amen! :)


Ankur Mitra said...
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Ankur Mitra said...

Religious scriptures say that kids are nearest to God; well that means adults are farthest!!! Honestly speaking that is true. We should always act the way we would want our kids to act in front of everybody. Most of us want our kids to become 'better-than-us' or 'what-we-could-not-be'. And as kids do, speak truth always, fight for your rights, stand up for what is correct, help others etc etc etc.